Friday 30 November 2012

Chinese Zodiac Predictions for 2013 - Boar

Boar in Chinese Astrology 2013

Boars will experience positive energy while surrounding with family. You will gel up well with rabbits and sheep. Work stress might affect your health and you need to take special care of your health. Boars might take their family on a foreign trip at the end of the year 2013. You might get confused while dealing with unusual situations.

You are the luckiest animal in 2013 year. Last year, you might have experienced a horrible roller coaster ride, but this time you need a break. Either multimillion dollar lottery or world domination, 2013 can give you all. You might get success and overall a wish fulfilling year. Don't forget to share your happiness with your near dear ones.

Career for Boar

Travel is seen in 2013. You might travel abroad or other distant places. Business outings are seen toward lengthy distances of foreign countries. You might have to work extra hours, but don't expect extra income or additional compensation. If you will not put 100% efforts, you will have to lose your position or reputation, or both. Beware of enemies, just give them a bang to stay away of you. As long as you will concentrate on your work, difficulties won't affect you.

Money for Boar

An unlucky star is entering your horoscope in 2013. It will affect your expenses area. Many unexpected expenses might incur far more than your expectations, such as house maintenance, automobile repair, medicine and many more. Some of your friends or family members might borrow money from you. You have to keep in mind that they will never be able to return. People will have an eye over your wallet and you will have to keep a control over it. Avoid making risky investments this year.

Love for Boar

You possess attraction and that is why people attract toward you. You might find it easy to make relationship with someone, but maintaining that relationship will be a task for you. Over that, you will have to give proper time to your lover; otherwise your relation will suffer. You will have to put your endeavor to grow your relation.

Health for Boar

Health seems fine this year. However, minute ailments might make you feel low every now and then. Health of your near dear ones might make you feel stressed and take you toward stress related ailments. If your age is in elder stage then you need to take extra care of your eating habits. Or, if you are young then a good sleep will do wonders for you. So, keep this in mind - "Health is Wealth".

Fortune for Boar

No star is there in your fortune area. You yourself have to decide your destiny. Make efforts and plan the course of your life. This is the time when you can change the path of your life. All you need is to concentrate on your work diligently and avoid being into inflicts. Control your anger and speech. Harsh words might ruin everything. 2013 might prove as a composed year, but all efforts would be yours.

Chinese Zodiac Predictions for 2013 - Dog

Dog in Chinese Astrology 2013

Dogs will maintain good balance between work and personal life. You will be appreciated in society for your hard work. It is a good time to resolve your family issues. Chinese Tigers and horses are best matches for you this year. As per your stars, you will meet someone special in your personal and professional lives.

All dogs will be partying with joy this year. Your sign element is same as snake's element. Therefore, you will probably find comfort, pleasure and success abundantly this year. Overall, you have 10 favorable months, one neutral and one unfavorable. 70% of the year is bringing you good fortune. Sense on loyalty and protection will boost up. People will start noticing you and you will soon become the center of attraction.

Career for Dog

Two lucky and two unlucky stars are associated with your career in 2013. As long as you keep your attitude positive and work hard to fetch what you want, things will be fine and path will be clearer. You must concentrate on maintaining the relationship with people. Your life might become stressed due to the feeling of resentment, arguments and conflicts with loved ones.

Money for Dog

2013 is bringing you luck this year in terms of money, as a luck star is transiting into money area. However, career luck is not stable, but you will able to make a way out due to your hard working ability. Keep your spirits high and work harder to earn good and stable income. Summers are some sort of unfavorable to you, but rest of the year is blessing you. Utilize the best of your favorable time.

Love for Dog

Dog people are having loads of good news this year. For married people, this year is quite fruitful. Bond will strengthen up and a newborn might enter your life to bless your relationship. However, married people need to take extra care of their words spoken. They might sound harsh sometimes, which might affect your spouse's mood. Unmarried people are very lucky this year. They will get whatever they want. All they need is to keep their hopes high and hard work to achieve what they want. Remember, love and loyalty is not enough for a relationship. You have to put more to nourish a relationship or get the love of your desired someone.

Health for Dog

As you people are having amazing stars this year, health looks good. However, small ailments might affect your life course. All you need is to take care of your health on regular basis. Professional responsibilities will increase, which might stress you and you will suffer from psychological diseases. Possibilities are there of problems in oyur love relationship, which will affect you emotionally. Health is not 100% fine this year, some unfavorable stars might make you down badly in between the go.

Fortune for Dog

Dogs will get support from other sin terms of career and these people will make dog a successful person. This time you have the chance to show the world your real value. Things will go well but one more thing you need to keep in your mind is that it is very important to spare time for love as well as work. Try to preserve your lucky charm, your love because there are strong chances of break up. As long as you keep a positive approach toward work, things will be fine and you will stick to your position or your position might promote for betterment.

Chinese Zodiac Predictions for 2013 - Rooster

Rooster in Chinese Astrology 2013

Chinese Roosters might face lower luck this year. In profession, you people are advised not to take old friends so seriously. In love, you might propose someone special. Roosters are highly compatible with Chinese Ox and Dragon in 2013. Roosters will get a variety of learning experiences this year.

If you are a typical Rooster then you will be quite argumentative, critical and nit-picky this year. You can see your lacking areas and misfortunes, but don't be scared, instead work on improving it. Your generous and communicative behavior will help you ease through the tough times. All you need is to the hard work to fetch the success.

Career for Rooster

Your luck is good this year as per the lucky stars. It means that you might get some more power, responsibilities, or job promotion. If you will work harder, then only your fortune will be able to realize all these things. However, a small unlucky star is also seen. Due to which, someone might come into the way of your plan, weaken your judgment or block performance.

Money for Rooster

Money stars look nice. Promotion might come to bless your way. It is not only your investment that will increase your savings, but some harshly earned money or higher income might also increase your bank balance. Money will originate through different resources. You can take full advantage of the luxurious life.

Love for Rooster

Most of the Roosters are quite emotional and sentimental. They are often good when meets another gender. They face attention and recognition from people. Roosters have high attraction from oxen. However, a bad star is appearing in the love zone of roosters. Even if you are made for each other, challenges might come to your relation. Married people might come in trouble due to the interference of a third person.

Health for Rooster

Two unlucky stars are coming to affect your health in 2013. Blood bleeding things, like accidents might occur. You tools with proper care, they might become dangerous. Stay alert while driving. Always keep an eye around for dangerous objects because accidents are seen this year and you need to be highly alert.

Fortune for Rooster

Fortune ball is in your court this year. Luck is surrounding with favorable stars. It is because roosters and beef have attraction relation. Beefs have simple and poor luck in terms of health and love. With good stars in career, income will also be good. You will lucky for yourself and others too that is making you a lucky charm this year. As compared to others, you will be on higher position. In order to increase your wealth, you need to control your expenses.

Chinese Zodiac Predictions for 2013 - Monkey

Monkey in Chinese Astrology 2013

In terms of profession, 2013 will be very busy for monkeys. You people need to be very careful this year from health front. Multiple relationships may be exciting for you, but they will cause anxiety. Monkeys will gel well with Dragons and Rats.

If the last year was roller coaster ride then you need to keep your buckle up for 2013 too. Things will flow without warning. A challenging year is coming ahead. You need to take things maturely and plan in order to get through the time swiftly.

Career for Monkey

Three lucky stars are standing in the coming year 2013. You will find remarkable changes to your life and behavior. Many people will become your follower and start accepting your idea and suggestion. Your luck is with you and might get you superior power and high position. Some people might also get jealous of you. So, people will try to demolish your reputation. Fortunately, you are quick at responding and planning, which will help in saving you from social troubles. Additionally, your supporters might also come to your rescue.

Money for Monkey

This year, star of money is seen lucky for you. Since your career is going up, money gains are seen. If you work with someone else, good profits can be gained. However, you will have to put efforts because money won't come from any magic, lottery, heritage or some other means. There is also a chance of losing personal goods and no means are seen yet to rescue you. Or, an unexpected accident might also provoke your money loss. Therefore, it is advisable for you to avoid showing off your heritage this year.

Love for Monkey

This year will bring you joys in terms of marriage and love. If you are unmarried, you might find a companion. If you are already in love then your relation will become sweeter than before. If you both are ready on the decision of marriage then it is a favorable time. Married people will find each other in endless love. A newborn to your family might increase the value of your love life. You need to restore your temptation; otherwise a big debate might clench your life.

Health for Monkey

Star of illness is entering in your chart this year. That means, most of the monkeys will not have a healthy life this year. Monkeys might catch viral and cold in 2013. Elder people in the family needs more care as they have reached the age of getting ill. Avoid going to see sick buddies and funeral places because you might catch negativities to down your health.

Fortune for Monkey

Monkeys are possessing excellent luck this year. They are very skilled and brilliant to make money this year. Their incredible performance will increase their income frequently. As we all know, potential leads our luck, your hard work will take you toward the higher position. Monkeys need to hold their tongue and keep an eye over what they say, behave or act. Happiness, wealth, happiness and satisfaction; all are coming to bless you in 2013.

Chinese Zodiac Predictions for 2013 - Sheep

Sheep in Chinese Astrology 2013

Goat people will become quite sensitive toward family this year. Goats are compatible with rabbits and horses this year. They will solve some family matters in this snake year. Goats might have a shift in place. Society will reward you for doing some good deeds.

As a sheep, this year is more favorable for you than other animals. The whole year is in your favor and you just have to stay alert for one slightly unfavorable month. Everybody will die for your company because you r popularity will increase this year. You are the king of talents, brains, creativity and kindness. Don't miss a single chance to grab the opportunity. This is one of the best times of your life. You might travel to mysterious places, communicate with spirits and do the unusual things.

Career for Sheep

Sheep and horse has rivalry in relationship, which might give a hard time in career. 2013 is bringing many unlucky stars and no lucky stars this year, which is not good for your position in job. Work will increase and schedule will be tight. Progress will be slow as compared to plan. Trust relationship with boss might get disturbed. You will involve in the issues related to the company's coordination and you will find it difficult to focus on everyday things. Due to all this, you won't find any time to show your abilities. If your organization is going in losses, then try to find some ways to save your position.

Money for Sheep

Career is the main factor to predict your money luck. If your career stars are not good then you should try to find some other ways to earn. Money area has a damaged star. You will find it difficult to accumulate wealth this year. One mistake might come out as disasters. Avoid making risky investments; accidents might also come in your way to increase your expenses. Overall, you need to stay alert in money matters and avoid making lame expenses. Balance your budget smartly and you will get through this time.

Love for Sheep

2013 is bringing an unlucky star to your love horoscope. So, this year is bringing not much for you in love matters. Your lover will be complaining regarding your attitude due to the lack of mind. Pressure at work will keep your mood bad. So, you will have to keep lots of patience to balance your love. Keep a control over your words and acts.

Health for Sheep

The rivalry relationship of snake and sheep will trouble your health this year. Unnecessary tension will bring you illness. If you are a senior citizen then you need constantly go for health checkups to keep your health fit and fine. You need to stay highly alert from the health front and never ignore even a small ailment. If you are young, all you need is to take proper sleep. You lose almost all of your energy during day time and it is necessary to take proper sleep.

Fortune for Sheep

Since, your career stars are unstable this year; you will go through a hard time in terms of position at work and earnings. You are advised to avoid long distance travels, visits to funerals, visit to your ill loved ones, home decorations and renovations. If some of your loved one is suffering through a long ailment, he will get well soon this time. Don't be in spotlight this time and avoid being hero everywhere. If you will only concentrate on you work, then only this year will be peaceful for you.

Chinese Zodiac Predictions for 2013 - Horse

Horse in Chinese Astrology 2013

Another roller coaster ride is coming with 2013. Change of year might bring some positive changes to your skills and character, like change of coal to diamond. This year is under 50% favorable for you. You might get nauseous with the sudden ups and downs. Your sign is the strongest amongst all. You have the strength to ride higher in storms. Try to borrow some flexibility, sensitivity and creativity of Rabbit. Allow your life to be changed by the divine forces. You will feel confused in taking decisions from brain or heart. Love and romance will add happiness to your life. Horses will rise with new business ideas this year. It seems that you are planning to invest in new ventures in 2013. It seems that you are compatible with Chinese Ram and Dragons this year.

Career for Horse

Many unlucky stars are seen in the region of career this year. Twelve signs indicate that you will find it difficult to concentrate over work. Economy seems to be decreasing due to personal life's problems. You will feel the pressure of getting criticized. However, this feeling is just lame and you will not get any criticism. All you need is to put your endeavor.

Money for Horse

A big unlucky star has just left you from 2012 and this will have a small effect on 2013 too. Due to this, your luck will be battling between best and bad throughout the year. Your organization might suffer from losses. So, you need to work harder to preserve your position. Don't expect much this year, just try to focus on preserving present situation. Avoid risky investments too.

Love for Horse

Star of love is arriving, but it won't help you in marrying someone. You will find many occasions to meet that special one. Passion of love between you and your lover will increase. However, this relation won't last for long. So, don't take things much seriously. If you are married or committed to someone then a third party might disturb your love life.

Health for Horse

Unlucky stars are seen this year, which might cause you health troubles. Your state of health was bad in 2012 and it doesn't seem to be improving this year too. You people are advised to take proper sleep throughout the nights and avoid stress. You might find many good options to socialize at nights, but keep an eye over your sleeping hours and eating habits. Headaches might disturb you often throughout this year.

Fortune for Horse

Horse people are not very lucky in 2013. You should stay alert while accomplishing any task, negligence might ruin things. If you meet any difficulty, somebody will come to your rescue. As long as you follow your commitments, you will work smoothly in 2013.

Chinese Zodiac Predictions for 2013 - Snake

Snake in Chinese Astrology 2013

Chinese Snakes have high compatibility with Roosters and Oxen this year. Snakes might think to change their home or profession. You people will be appreciated for your hidden skills. 2013 will get you social recognition this year. In the last months of 2013, you might take your family on some vacation.

If last year was a roller coaster ride, this year will be quite normal for you. Fire element has harmful effect on metal. All you need is to plan your tasks wisely. 65% of the year is favorable for you, make full use of it. Overall, whole year is in your favor and you need to worry much. You will find comfort this year for accomplishing big tasks.

Career for Snake

Two lucky stars are seen in the year of 2013. You will win great position at workplace. Additional earnings can be brought in your job performance. This year, you will achieve the goals of your company and win appreciation. Organization will recognize and reward you for your work. A good hike in salary is seen. However, you still have two unlucky stars this year. You need ot concentrate on your work to avoid lame arguments.

Money for Snake

Two lucky stars are coming in the area of money with this 2013. One of them is itself a money star. This star will help you to increase your wealth. Since you have got good luck in career this year, you will get good income opportunities. Either you work for someone else or your own business, ball is in your court. Good star doesn't mean that money will itself come to you. You will have to put some efforts to at least pick the money and put it in pocket. If you will act lazy, money will run out to some other's way.

Love for Snake

Love horoscope is not as good as your career horoscope. Your emotion area is trafficked by many unlucky stars. You are a person who always hurt his/her own feelings for love. This year, your passion for love will slow down. Therefore, no progress is seen in love relationship. This year seems not much favorable for singles. If you are engaged in love relationship with someone then some disagreements might affect your relationship. You need to stay calm and composed to balance your love life otherwise you will start suffering.

Health for Snake

Health doesn't look good this year. You need to take proper care of yourself. Feeling of loneliness and isolation will make you depressed. So, you need to work out on these things and increase your circle. Sometimes, it happens that we feel alone in crowd too. So, feelings like this might poke you. You need to take proper care of the health of your near dear ones. It seems that you will have emotional and psychological troubles more instead of physical ailments.

Fortune for Snake

Snakes have got both positive and negative news last year. It seems that certain improvements are coming in 2013. You need to save more money for future. So, keep a control over your expenditures. Try to improve coordination with your partner and plan for some money making ventures. Your luck says that you meet a loved one in 2013.