Tuesday 6 September 2011

Zi Wei Dou Shu Birthchart 12 Places

Birth ChartThe 12 Palaces, or Shí Èr Gōng (十二宫) are arranged in Anti-clockwise direction in this fixed sequence.

Life Palace (命宫)
Siblings Palace (兄弟宫)
Marriage Palace (夫妻宫)
Children Palace (子女宫)
Wealth Palace (财昂宫)
Health Palace (疾厄宫)
Travel Palace (迁移宫)
Friends, Servants Palace (仆役宫)
Career Palace (官禄宫)
Property Palace (田宅宫)
Fortune, Virtue Palace (福德宫)
Parents Palace (父母宫)
In addition, there is a 13th Palace called (身宫 Shēn Gōng) or literally, Body Palace. It is as important as any of the other 12 Palaces in interpreting one's life events. Palaces, or Gōng (宫) originated from the concept of house or temple or a space where spirits or souls live in. "Space" does not exist outside "time", so each palace can relate to the time span of events happening in the particular Gōng.

As mentioned earlier, the essence of Zi Wei Dou Shu lies in the interpretation, and not the plotting of a Birth Chart. Thus, a lot of masters spent years or decades doing case studies before seeing their fruits of their labour.

Information Require :
Born year , month , day and hour have to be provided .